Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Musing Mondays - Plot or Character

This weekly meme is hosted by Should be Reading.  Here's this week's question:

Do you prefer character-driven stories, or plot-driven stories?

This is an interesting question.  I pick up a book because the plot sounds interesting, but I won't keep reading it if the characters aren't interesting.  I've noticed that many of my reviews focus on characters and their development in a story.  I think that any series books that I read must attract me because of the characters.  I can remember character names but not always the names of the books.  In a perfect world, books need both, but I have to have great, well-written characters.

This post is a day late since I'm sneaking in blogging time from a trip to the beach!


April said...

I feel the same way. The plot draws me in, but the characters keep me reading. I always try to say something about both the plot and characters when I'm reviewing because I think they're equally important.

Lauren B said...

I agree completely. Of course, I will continue reading if the plot is good even if the characters don't really appeal.

Kate Maxwell said...

It seemed as if many books I read in the past were plot-driven. But recently, I have read character-driven stories and I really enjoy them. After reading '20 Master Plots,' I look at books a little differently.
But I heartily agree that books should have BOTH elements!